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硅星人 | 2021-05-29 14:59:33    阅读:378   发布文章

和Facebook前副总裁、Ancestry CEO以及德勤高级合伙人等硅谷女性华人高管聊聊职场智慧和人生智慧。



哪怕在硅谷,也有这样一个让人不得不承认的事实:尽管女性劳动力参与率在持续升高,女性晋升管理层的通道依然狭窄。麦肯锡2020年度女性工作报告指出,全美公司中女性高管(senior-vice-president)仅占28%如果我们将女性高管的范围继续缩小到公司最高管理层,这一数字将继续下降至21%与此同时,少数族裔女性在公司管理层的占比更是微乎其微。在这样艰难的职场大环境中,仍然有这样一批职业女性在职场中披荆斩棘,突破了性别带来的****天花板,成功走上职场巅峰,跻身企业的最高管理层。这些人究竟有着怎样的职场故事?有着怎样自我总结归纳的职场快速升迁法则?在男性为主的顶级管理层中又是如何找到自己的位置和影响力?美西时间5月29日(周六)晚7点,华源科技协会(Hysta)将联合硅星人一起举办一场以女性领导力为主题的线上讲座。我们邀请到了诸多硅谷一线女星高管,她们目前在硅谷科技圈和金融圈身居高位,其中包含:Deborah Liu:Ancestry CEO,前Facebook副总裁Lili Zheng,德勤高级合伙人,德勤中国服务集团领导人Lake Dai:LDV Partners基金合伙人,卡耐基梅隆客座教授,现任华源科技协会主席 时间:美西时间,5月29日,周六晚19:00pm形式:Zoom Webinar 报名链接(也可点击阅读原文报名) Host:                                        


流程:7:00 - 7:05 活动开场7:05 - 8:05 圆桌讨论8:05 - 8:25 互动问答嘉宾简介:Deborah Liu

CEO, AncestryDeb Liu joined Ancestry in March 2021 as President & CEO and a member of the company’s Board of Directors. Prior to joining Ancestry, Deb was a senior executive at Facebook where she created and led Facebook's Marketplace, where millions of people buy and sell from one another. She also led the development of Facebook’s first mobile ad product for apps and its mobile ad network, in addition to building the company’s games business and its payments platform, including Facebook Pay.Named by PaymentsSource as one of the most influential women in payments and one of Business Insider's most powerful female engineers, Deb has worked in the tech industry for over 18 years. Prior to Facebook, she spent several years in product roles at PayPal and eBay, including leading the integration between the two products.Actively involved with promoting diversity and women in tech, she is the founder of Women In Product, a nonprofit to connect and support women in the product management field. Deb serves on the board of Intuit, and she’s a seed investor and advisor to several startups. She also holds several payments and commerce-related patents. Deb received a BS in Civil Engineering from Duke University and an MBA from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. She lives in California with her husband and three children, and she enjoys chronicling their family adventures in her Mommy School comic.Lili Zheng

Deputy Managing Partner – US Chinese Services GroupPartner | International Tax | Asia Pacific Cross-Border Services LeaderDeloitte Tax Ms. Zheng is a senior US international tax partner with substantial experience in cross-border tax planning. Leveraging on her extensive on-the-ground work experiences in Deloitte offices in San Francisco, Tokyo, Beijing, San Jose and Hong Kong, she provides practical and implementable solutions to MNCs.  Ms. Zheng has extensive knowledge in advising clients in various industries including financial services, VC/PE funds, Life Science & Healthcare, manufacturing on their cross-boarding investment structure, M&A, entry and exit strategies.  She has a deep understanding of the unique considerations of US MNCs as well as investors with background from China and Asia. She is fluent in Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese).  She is a licensed CPA in California and New York and a member of AICPA.Lili is a frequent speaker in Asia Financial Forum, Hong Kong Trade Development Board, SelectUSA events, Atlas, BIO, Council for International Tax Education (CITE), Financial Executives International (FEI), Tax Executive Institute (TEI), etc. She was voted numerous times by International Tax Review as one of the top US tax advisors.  Lili was awarded AWIB Leadership award by Asian Women In business in 2004 and received the Women of Influence Award from the Silicon Valley Business Journal in 2010. Since 2012, Ms. Zheng was named annually as one of the Leading Woman in Business Law by the Euromoney Legal Media Group.Lake Dai

Partner, LDV PartnersChairwoman & President, HYSTALake is Partner at LDV Partners, a deep-tech Silicon Valley VC firm, leading investments in AI/big data/computing. She is also Adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, teaches Applied AI at CMU Integrated Innovation Institute, College of Engineering.Prior to that, Lake has 20 years of operating experience of building and scaling product, engineering, and business teams at early-stage startups and public companies. She was employee #84 at Alibaba as head of product, and then led the search engine team at Yahoo!. She was a founding team member of deep tech startups and tech accelerators, and an inventor of 5 US patents in search algorithm, recommendation algorithm, and text tokenization.Lake is on the Advisory Board of Women In Technology International (WITI), a global non-profit organization empowering women in business and technology. She is Chairwomen of HYSTA and is also co-founder of Shinect, a non-profit accelerator for SAAS startups.

